Headstand- Sirasana I

Headstand was the first inversion I got, and it brings back a lot of memories! Memories of falling over and being so scared!

My first rule for a headstand is, never EVER jump! This is very dangerous for your neck. It is best to engage all your muscles and lift yourself up very slowly.

The weight distribution is actually more on your arms, especially if your hug it in. Try to place as little pressure on your head as possible.

First, clasp your hands together and place it on the floor, making a triangle. Place your head in front of your hands and slowly shift your hips up like dolphin pose. Try to hold this pose for 30 seconds then slowly walk up towards your face, as much as your are comfortable. The goal for this is to get your hips above your head.

Then if you can, bring your knees in your chest like a ball and hold here!

Then slowly lift your legs up, and VOILA! Headstand!

Sounds easier than it is :D

Have fun trying this inversion but please be careful! If your neck gets tired, please stretch it out! Headstand is supposedly a meditative position. I am still working on meditating in this position.


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